Oikein lämpimästi tervetuloa Posiolle myös Lapin Lumirastien kilpailijat ja huoltojoukot. Viralliset sivut joista löytyy ajankohtaiset uutiset ja muut tärkeät tiedot ovat https://lapinlumirastit.fi/2025/.
Posion Pyrinnön instagramia seuraamalla pääset seuraamaan kilpailujen valmisteluja https://www.instagram.com/posionpyrinto/?hl=fi.
ESOC/JWSOC/EYSOC 20.3.-23.3.2025
Welcome to Posio! We are excited to organize international ski orienteering competitions in Posio. It is a great honour to have received the most valuable ski orienteering competitions of this winter, and we want to thank IOF and the Finnish Orienteering Federation for this trust. Posio is a small and beautiful town in Finnish Lapland with 100% snow guarantee. The actual event will be a joint effort of all the townspeople. We wish everyone warmly welcome to Posio in 2025,” says Antti Häkämies, Event Director of ESOC 2025.
Follow our journey towards the competitions on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/posionpyrinto/?hl=fi
The official race website is located at https://lapinlumirastit.fi/2025/
Ski-O competition in Posio are sponsored by